Quanto sei bella
for choir SATB with piano or organ
- Duration 3'

Bible: Song of Solomon
written for Rosie and Marco's wedding - Il Redentore Venice - 16 June 2018
the sopranos and altos sing in English, on behalf of the bride, Rosemary Forbes-Butler - the tenors and basses sing in Italian, on behalf of the groom, Marco Gandini
sheet music (PDF master score with permission to print or download an authorised number of copies) available via this website:
per print-out
Related works
words from the Bible: Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved... (2:3)
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. (2:4)
Quanto sei bella, mia cara, quanto sei bella, i tuoi occhi sono come colombe. (4:1)
[How beautiful you are, my darling, how beautiful you are, your eyes are like those of a dove.]
...fammi ascoltare tua voce. (2:14)
[...let me hear the sound of your voice.]